The meshless method smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) has made progress over the past two decades with contributions to the method continually appearing. Modern SPH schemes enable the simulation of violent free-surface flows with improved accuracy, while new physical processes can be included with relative ease accompanied by a significant reduction of the computational time achieved through hardware acceleration.
The development of SPH enables the simulation of different physical phenomena, including violent hydrodynamics of coastal/offshore waves impacting structures, galaxy and planetary formation and evolution, flow in process industries characterised by multiple phases and mixing, large deformations of solids and structures, modelling damage and failure, including opening and propagation of cracks, fluid-structure interaction, and exploitation in computer graphics and computer games. The most relevant advantages over Eulerian methods are the exact conservation of mass and momentum and the meshless properties. Despite these advances, some key challenges still remain, and are encapsulated in the
"3rd Iberian Congress Advances on SPH" will bring together researchers from the academia, industry and administration to discuss together and expose the latest advances in SPH models.
The congress is linked to previous events organised in Ourense by the EPhysLab research group, such as:
The conference will be hosted in the Room “Salón de Grados” at the Polytechnic Building in the Science Faculty, Campus As Lagoas s/n, Ourense, Spain.
09:15 - 09:45 | Registration |
09:45 - 10:00 | Welcome (Alex Crespo, Iván Martínez UVIGO) |
10:00 - 11:20 | Session A: SPH codes (Corrado Altomare UPC) |
10:00 - 10:20 | José Domínguez UVIGO. DualSPHysics: multi-GPU implementation (PDF) |
10:20 - 10:40 | Javier Calderón UPM. AQUAgpusph: non-newtonian flows with SPH |
10:40 - 11:00 | David López CEDEX. SPHERIMENTAL model: development and new capacities (PDF) |
11:00 - 11:20 | Anxo Barreiro ALTAIR. nanoFluidX, revving up the productivity |
11:20 - 12:00 | Coffee break |
12:00 - 13:20 | Session B: Hydraulic applications & fluid-structure interactions (Giacomo Viccione UNISA) |
12:00 - 12:20 | Miguel de Blas CEDEX. Design of the energy dissipation structures of the Terroba Dam (La Rioja, Spain) (PDF) |
12:20 - 12:40 | Ángel Gassó CEDEX. Numerical and physical modelling of a bottom outlet stilling basin without impact element (PDF) |
12:40 - 13:00 | Jiazhao Sun UVIGO. A SPH-DEM solver for the interaction of large-scale particles with irregular shape and fluid (PDF) |
13:00 - 13:20 | Leo González UPM. A global analysis of a coupled violent vertical sloshing problem using an SPH methodology |
13:20 - 15:20 | Lunch |
15:20 - 16:40 | Session C: Ocean applications (Moisés Brito UNL) |
15:20 - 15:40 | Raúl González UPC. Numerical approach for the modelling of an aquaculture net in current with the SPH method (PDF) |
15:40 - 16:00 | Francisco Bernardo UNL. Validation of DualSPHysics for FSI of waves and flexible floating structures (PDF) |
16:00 - 16:20 | Gael Verao AAU. Comparison of the coupling between MoodyCore and MoorDyn+ with DualSPHysics (PDF) |
16:20 - 16:40 | Salvatore Capasso UNISA. DualSPHysics: applications in renewable energy (PDF) |
16:40 - 17:20 | Coffee break |
17:20 - 18:00 | Round Tables |
17:20 - 17:40 | Strategies for making SPH industry-ready (B. Tagliafierro UPC, A. Barreiro ALTAIR, R. Canelas BENTLEY) |
17:40 - 18:00 | SPH and the Spanish and Portuguese National Research Priorities (A. Souto UPM, R. Ferreira IST) |
20:30 | Dinner at Restaurante San Miguel |
10:00 - 11:20 | Session D: Coastal applications (José María Grassa CEDEX) |
10:00 - 10:20 | Ignacio Fernández CEDEX. Calibration and validation of DualSPHysics for overtopping in vertical breakwater |
10:20 - 10:40 | Giorgia Goursand UNISA. Wave-structure interaction mechanisms anticipating the collapse of the Pont del Petroli (PDF) |
10:40 - 11:00 | Beatrice Mina UNIRC. SPH Numerical Modelling of a U-OWC Wave Energy Converter |
11:00 - 11:20 | Bonaventura Tagliafierro UPC. Studying rubble mound breakwaters against solitary waves using DualSPHysics (PDF) |
11:20 - 12:00 | Coffee break |
12:00 - 13:20 | Session E: Miscellaneous (Fabricio Macia UPM) |
12:00 - 12:20 | Josep Bonet URV. Lagrangian methods in SPH for complex systems |
12:20 - 12:40 | Daniel Duque UPM. A link between information theory and SPH (PDF) |
12:40 - 13:00 | Pablo Merino COREMARINE. Convergence studies in application cases with SPH (PDF) |
13:00 - 13:20 | Xesús Nogueira UDC. Adaptive viscosity methods for the computation of turbulent flows (PDF) |
13:20 - 13:30 | Closure |
13:30 | Lunch |